• Minutes 15 May 2023.

    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council
    Minutes of the meeting of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council held on Monday, 15
    May 2023 at 7pm in the All Saints Parish Hall, Scratby.
    In Attendance: –
    Councillors P Nathan, A Grant, J Rundle, S Calnon, G Freeman, J Gingell, P Holley, J Shrimplin, K
    Wendt & C Fraser (RFO).
    Councillor Grant presented Councillor Shrimplin with a framed certificate celebrating the award of
    Freedom of the Parish marking his long service of 50+ years to the Parish Council. Councillor
    Shrimplin thanked the Parish Councillors for all their help and support over the years and that he
    was proud to have served the ward of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby as both a Councillor and
    Parish Councillor for many years.
    Councillor Wendt informed the meeting that all Councillors had completed the required
    confirmation of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
    1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
    Councillor Grant asked for nominations for the position of Chairman.
    A Resolution to hold a vote on a show of hands and to dispense with 3(f) of the Standing Orders
    concerning the Chair’s discretion to hold a secret ballot was proposed and seconded and agreed by a
    unanimous vote.
    Councillor Nathan was proposed by Councillor Freeman & seconded by Councillor Wendt for the
    position of Chair of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council.
    Following a unanimous vote, it was resolved that Councillor Nathan be elected as Chair for the
    2023/24 municipal year of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council.
    Councillor Nathan hereby assumed the Chair and thanked the outgoing Chair, Councillor Grant for all
    his hard work and support during his chairmanship. Councillor Nathan presented Councillor Grant
    with a small token of appreciation from the Parish Council to mark the occasion.
    Councillor Nathan requested nominations for the position of Vice Chair.
    Councillor Wendt was proposed by Councillor Calnon and seconded by Councillor Holley for the
    position of Vice Chairman of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council.
    Following a unanimous vote, it was resolved that Councillor Wendt be elected as Vice Chair for the
    2023/24 municipal year for Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council.
    2. Apologies for absence
    There were no apologies for absence given at the meeting.
    3. Declarations of Interest
    Councillors Freeman & Nathan reported a personal interest as they were trustees of All Saints Village
    Hall and had submitted expenses for payment. Councillor Wendt declared a personal interest as she
    had submitted expenses for payment.
    The Chair moved to suspend the council meeting. This was proposed by Councillor Shrimplin and
    seconded by Councillor Freeman.
    4. Public Participation Forum
    (i) Mr Andrew Taylor addressed the Parish Council. A copy of his address is attached to the minutes.
    Mr Taylor asked the Parish Council for assistance in this matter.
    Councillor Freeman reported some background information to the council and that it would be
    prudent to begin a fact-finding session to locate the legal documents pertaining to this matter. The
    Chair agreed that the issue was bigger than one meeting and that following the fact-finding mission
    a meeting be held with Mr Taylor and all other interested parties to reach the best solution for the
    (ii) A member of the public asked for an update regarding the grit bins for Scratby. The Chairman
    reported that he would chase this up with County Councillor Bensly.
    It had been noticed that County Councillor Bensly had not attended a meeting for several months.

    The Chair reported that Councillor Bensly would have been in attendance this evening but
    unfortunately this meeting had clashed with Hemsby PC meeting which he was required to attend.
    The Chair reconvened the meeting.
    5. Approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 17th April 2023
    The minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2023 were confirmed as a true record.
    Proposed by Councillor Shrimplin
    Seconded by Councillor Holley
    It was noted that these minutes would need to be signed off by the former Chair, Councillor Grant.
    6. Borough Councillor’s Reports
    The Parish Council received and considered the report which was submitted by Councillor Freeman.
    Councillor Freeman reported the salient issues contained in his report to the Parish Council.
    The Parish Council noted the report for information only.
    7. County Councillor’s Report
    The Parish Council received and considered the report from County Councillor Bensly.
    The Parish Council noted the report for information only.
    8. Finance Report
    The Parish Council received and considered the finance report from Claire Fraser RFO.
    The Parish Council considered the schedule of invoices and payments and the requested bank
    transfer as detailed in appendix 2 of the report.
    Claire Fraser informed the Parish Council that there were 7 invoices ready to be despatched which
    she would pass to the Chair. There was an issue with unspent grant funding regarding the
    Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor Freeman was aware, and this would be actioned.
    Claire Fraser had had an initial meeting with a prospective Internal Auditor, and she asked the Parish
    Council permission to appoint them as approved in the minutes of the last meeting, whereby the
    appointment of an auditor had been approved in principle but not in name. The Chair requested
    their name, further information, and value of the contract. The Chair suggested that this be taken
    offline, discussed and approved by the Parish Councillors.
    The schedule of invoices and payments and the requested bank transfer as detailed in appendix 2 of
    the report was proposed by Councillor Freeman and seconded by Councillor Wendt and following a
    vote, it was agreed.
    Claire Fraser informed the Parish Council that there were two potential invoices for sundry items to
    be received for the amounts of £190 and £150 in connection to the upkeep of the defibrillator. The
    Chair agreed to contact the person concerned and to obtain the required information in relation to
    the invoices in writing.
    The F & GP minutes were noted by the Parish Council.
    9. To note the Planning Application and to comment to Great Yarmouth Borough Council in
    the capacity of consultee.
    06/23/0255/F Development: Proposed demolition of existing buildings and construction of 5 no. two
    storey dwellings with associated parking and site works. Location: 4 West Road Ormesby St
    Margaret Great Yarmouth NR29.
    Councillor Freeman outlined the planning application to the Parish Council. The Parish Council were
    unanimous that the proposed development was featureless boxes which would be completely out of
    character in the Conservation Area. The application for 5 properties was also deemed
    overdevelopment of the site. Councillor Freeman reported that the Parish Council was not against
    the development, but it needed to be sympathetic to the Conservation Area and fit in with the
    existing street scene. Councillor Freeman was concerned that there were no garages proposed and
    that 11 parking spaces were planned to front directly onto West Road which would give the
    appearance of a car park. Councillor Freeman reported that the Council had adopted Design Codes
    to ensure quality development within the Borough and that the Millview Development in the village
    was a good example of a sympathetic development.
    Councillor Holley asked regarding the planning history on the site.

    Councillor Freeman read out a letter to the Parish Council detailing his objections to the application.
    The Chair proposed that the letter be used as a benchmark and be built upon by other Parish
    Councillors and members of the public prior to be submitted to the Borough Council as the Parish
    Council’s response. The letter would then be published on the website and would include necessary
    links to the planning documents on the Borough Council website. This information would also be
    available to view in the Village Centre and Telephone Box. It was suggested that this should be
    available to view in the Garden Café which was open to the public on a Friday to ensure that the
    information was dissimilated as widely as possible in the villages.
    The Parish Council agreed that this was the best way forward.
    10. Sea Defences, Scratby
    Councillor Freeman gave an update to the Parish Council.
    Councillor Wendt raised concerns regarding the large, rusted structure which was on the beach
    where the Esplanade met the Promenade which was a health and safety risk and needed to be
    removed prior to the summer season. Councillor Freeman had reported this issue but would chase
    up as a matter of urgency.
    The Parish Council noted the update.
    11. Insurance Renewal
    The Chair explained that the buildings insurance expired in the next 2/3 weeks and highlighted the
    need for the insurance values to be re-looked at to ensure that we were not under-insured to meet
    current re-build costs. The insurance would need to be sorted before the next meeting, two or three
    quotes would be obtained and approval from all Parish Councillors would be sought via email and
    payment approved at the next meeting.
    This was agreed by the Parish Council.
    12. Date & Time of next meeting
    The next meeting would be held on Monday, 12 June 2023 at 7pm in the Village Centre, Ormesby St
    13. Appoint Councillors to Committees and Advisory Groups
    The Chair reported that in line with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders, he was aware that
    everything was not in place last year regarding the Committees and Advisory Groups. The Chair
    highlighted that there were 8 Councillors to fill 5 Committees and therefore, Councillors should
    consider their skills and interests. 3 core members were needed on each. A copy of the Committee
    and Advisory Groups would be circulated via email to all Councillors to consider, complete and
    return. Personnel, Burial Ground & F & GP must be a committee due to financial implications and
    accountability and all others are Advisory Groups.
    Personnel – Calnon, Holley, Wendt
    Burial Ground – Calnon, Freeman, Gingell
    F & GP – Freeman, Nathan, Shrimplin.
    Working Parties
    Open Spaces – Holley, Nathan, Shrimplin
    Neighbourhood Plan –
    Allotments – Freeman, Nathan, Shrimplin
    Proposed by Councillor Nathan and seconded by Councillor Shrimplin and following a vote, the
    above nominations were agreed.
    Councillor Wendt highlighted the possibility of co-options onto the Advisory Groups, for example,
    Bob Hill had undertaken a lot of good work the last year regarding the Burial Grounds.
    Councillor Wendt advised that the declaration for Chair and Vice Chair had been signed and
    countersigned by Claire Fraser RFO.
    The Chair asked that the Councillors consider a 3-year project plan and what needs to be included to
    produce a robust long-term agenda for the Parish Council.

    The Chair reported that National Coastwatch had not been considered as their plans needed more
    meat on the bones.
    The Parish Council needed 2 more Parish Councillors – 1 for Scratby & 1 For Ormesby St Margaret. If
    members of the public are interested, they should contact [email protected] in the first
    The meeting closed at 20:39.

  • F & GP JULY 2023 AGENDA

  • F & GP May 2023 Minutes

  • Agenda 12 June 2023

    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council


    Councillors are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council On Monday 12th June 2023 at 7pm to be held at the Village Centre, Station Road, Ormesby St Margaret.

    Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend. Should you wish to ask a question or
    highlight an issue or comment on anything on the agenda please contact the clerk at [email protected]

    The Chair to welcome Councillors, Borough and County Councillors and parishioners. The Chair to express the Council’s sympathy to Ms Mary Jones on the passing of her husband and ex parish councillor Mr Brian Jones.
    1 To consider apologies for absence
    2. Declarations of Interest
    Councillors are invited to declare a previously undisclosed interest relating to items on the agenda.
    3. Minutes of the previous Meeting
    3.1 To approve the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 15th May 2023
    3.2 Matters arising that are not included in this Agenda.
    3.3 To acknowledge the minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on the same day, which will be agreed at the May 2024 Annual Parish meeting.
    4. Chair and Vice Chair’s update
    The Chair will move to suspend the council meeting
    5. Public Participation
    5.1 An opportunity for the public to address the council -10 minutes
    Subject to standing Order 3g a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
    5.2. To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors -10 minutes
    The Chair will reconvene the meeting
    6. Financial Matters Payments and Administration
    6.1 Bank accounts current balances
    6.2 Approval of schedule of income and expenditure for June 2023 Appendix 1
    6.3 Approve bank transfer from savings account to current account to meet the above
    6.4 Annual Governance; Accountability Returns (AGAR)
    6.5 F & G.P. Report

    7. Planning
    7.1 Application No: 06/23/0396/HH Proposed single storey flat roof rear extension to: 41 Beach Road, Scratby, Great Yarmouth, NR29 AJ
    7.2 Application No : 06/22/0481F Proposed detached two bedroomed annex building in the rear garden. 51 Whitby Road Ormesby Great Yarmouth NR29 3TH
    8. Village Centre, Ormesby.
    To note the meeting of the Corporate Trustees of the Village Centre Charity on 19 th June 2023 at 2pm at the Village Centre, Station Road, Ormesby St Margaret.
    9. Recommendations to Co-opt two new Councillors
    10. Report on Allotments
    11. Patients Participation Group (PPG) Report from Parish Council representative
    12. Beach Cleaning update, planned date and opportunities
    13. Date of next Parish Council meeting is on: Monday 10 th July 2023 at 7pm at All Saints Parish Hall, Beach Road, Scratby.

    14. In accordance with S1 (2) of the Public Bodies Admission to meetings Act 1960 a resolution
    will be put that the public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the
    business to be conducted therein as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by
    reasons of the confidential nature of the business to be considered.
    To discuss the Personnel Report and recommendations.

    Kathryn Wendt – Interim Clerk
    [email protected]
    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council
    Issued: 7 th June 2023

  • Agenda 15th May 2023

    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council


    You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council at All Saints Parish Hall Scratby NR29 3AJ on Monday 15th May 2023 immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting

    Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend. Should you wish to ask a question or highlight an issue or comment on anything on the agenda please contact the clerk at [email protected]

    Confirmation of Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Parish Councillors.

    1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
    (i) Resolution to hold a vote on a show of hands and to dispense with 3(f) of the
    Standing orders concerning the chair’s discretion to hold a secret ballot
    (proposer and seconder)
    (ii) Election of Chair (proposer and seconder)
    (iii) Election of Vice-Chair (proposer and seconder)
    2. To receive apologies for absence

    3. To receive declarations of interest on matters on the agenda
    You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to
    something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare your interest; you may not
    participate in discussion or vote on the matter.
    You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects:
     Your wellbeing or financial position
     That of your family or close friends
     That of a club or society in which you have a management role.
    In these instances, you must declare a personal interest and may speak on the matter only if
    members of the public are also allowed to speak at the meeting, however you may not vote
    in the matter.

    4. Appoint Councillors to Committees and Advisory Groups. (At present maximum of 3 Councillors based on 8 Councillors).

    Burial Ground

    F & G.P.

    Working Parties
    Open Spaces
    Neighbourhood Plan
    5. Approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 17th April 2023

    The Chair will move to suspend the council meeting
    6. Public Participation Forum– an opportunity for the public to address the council – 10
    Subject to standing Order 3g a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3
    The Chair will reconvene the meeting

    7. Borough Councillors’ Reports
    8. County Councillor’s Report
    9. Finance: Agree schedule of invoices/payments and to authorise the bank transfer required. See appendix 2
    To note F &GP minutes

    10. To note Planning applications as follows, and to comment thereon to Great Yarmouth
    Borough Council in the capacity of consultee: 06/23/0255/F Development: Proposed demolition of existing buildings and
    construction of 5 no. two storey dwellings with associated parking and site works. Location: 4 West Road Ormesby St Margaret Great Yarmouth NR29 3R

    11. Sea Defences Scratby

    12. Insurance renewal

    13. Date of next meeting

    Kathryn Wendt (Interim Clerk)
    Posted 10 th May 2023

  • Minutes 17th April 2023

    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council
    Minutes of the meeting of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council held on Monday 17 th April 2023 at 7pm the Village Centre, Station Road, Ormesby St Margaret.
    The Chair, Andy Grant welcomed Councillors, Borough and County Councillors and,parishioners. He also congratulated councillors who have been elected uncontested.
    Attendance: Councillors: Andy Grant (Chair), Simone Calnon, Geoff Freeman, Peter Holley, Phil Nathan, Jim Shrimplin, and Kathryn Wendt (Interim Clerk). Claire Fraser (RFO), BoroughmCouncillor Ron Hanton and four parishioners.
    1. Apologies
    To consider apologies for absence – None received prior to the conclusion of the meeting.
    2. Declarations of Interest
    Councillors are invited to declare a previously undisclosed interest relating to items on the agenda – None
    3. Minutes of the previous Meeting
    To approve the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 13th March 2023.
    Councillor Shrimplin asked that the minutes should state that the meeting was,‘quorate’. Duly amended by Councillor Grant. Proposed Councillor Grant. Seconded Councillor Shrimplin. Agreed.
    The Chair moved to suspended the council meeting. Proposed Councillor Grant Seconde Councillor Shrimplin. Agreed.
    4. Public Participation
    4.1 An opportunity for the public to address the council -10 minutes
    Subject to standing Order 3g a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
    One member of the public said that he wouldn’t be staying for all of the meeting, but came to see how many of the ‘so called disgruntled public’ turned up. He observed that there were none. He then thanked ‘Andy’ for all he has done whilst being Chair and wished him ‘all the
    4.2. To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors -10 minutes
    Borough Councillor Ron Hanton read highlights from his report and stated he would send in the full report to the Clerk.
    Borough Councillor Geoff Freeman gave a summary of his report and will send this via email to the Clerk.
    County Council James Bensley had already sent in a report, which had been forwarded to Councillors. James had hoped to attend the meeting should he be able to arrive in time.
    The Chair reconvened the meeting
    5. Financial Matters Payments and Administration
    5.1 Bank accounts current balances: £22070.31
    5.2 Approval of schedule of income and expenditure for March 2023 Appendix 1
    5.3 Approve bank transfer from savings account to current account to meet the above of £6440.00.
    5.1/5.2/5.3 Proposed by Councillor Grant. Seconded Councillor Shrimplin. Agreed.
    Claire Fraser stated that there is a repayment of the Neighbourhood Plan grant
    A payment was made to the ICO.
    V.A.T. claim has been put in for the last 15 months.
    5.4 Auditor is still being resourced. To put on May Agenda
    F & G.P. there will be a meeting on 25th April at 2pm at All Saints Parish Hall.
    6. Correspondence: Letter received from Broadland District Council (Brundall Ward) requesting we support the reinstating of the Postwick Park and Ride Service by adding our name to a letter going out to M.P and the newspapers.
    There has been a freedom of Information request regarding personnel, which Councillors Freeman and Wendt are dealing with.
    An email was received regarding beach cleaning – To be put on May Agenda.
    7. Planning
    Application No: 06/23/0164/HH Proposed alterations and extensions to existing bungalow and new double garage Location: Pau-Ne-Lyn Main Road Ormesby St Margaret Norfolk NR29 3LN This is NOT Ormesby St Margaret its Ormesby St Michael.
    06/23/0255/F 4 West road proposed construction of 5 x two storey dwellings with parking and site works. Council to request an extension to give time for consideration.
    8. Gabions – Update from Councillor Freeman – The gabions took a battering, but they have done their job. Coastal East Partnership are checking them each week. Mains concerns are realignment. Further meeting planned in May. GYBC are responsible for the upkeep of the gabions.
    9. Defibrillators – discussion over payments to Heart to Heart and invoices. Claire Fraser to liaise with them.
    10. Open Spaces
    10.1 King Charles 111 Coronation. Councillor Nathan reported that obtaining mugs and other memorabilia has proved difficult due to demand. Therefore, we will make a Time Capsule to be buried in a public place and also take photos of streets over the Coronation weekend.
    10.2 General Update. Councillor Nathan stated that the schedule for the toilets at Scratby and California has been completed. Darren Bowden’s payments have been agreed.
    Coastwatch – we are still awaiting their detailed plans. Ormesby Bowls club need more members and are promoting their club. Tuddenham’s are cutting around the toilets in California – many thanks to them. A community orchard has been planted at All Saints Parish Hall, Scratby and there will be a wild flower area planted. California Road is going to be strimmed and generally tidied up. A water butt, which is going to made into three planters, is going to placed at the California toilets. A path will be put down by the new telephone box at Scratby agreed and paid for by Councillor James Bensley. There will also be a concrete pad put down by the pill box. Councillor Nathan thanked Councillors Holley and Wendt for obtaining the planter, which is sponsored and funded by SLS. It was them discussed about having two trees planted, one for Ormesby (on the green), one for Scratby (by the pill box).
    Decided on a budget of £750.00. Proposed Councillor Freeman. Seconded Councillor Grant.
    11. To agree the appointment of Locum Clerk for May meetings. After a discussion it was agreed a budget of £100.00 for a locum clerk to take the minutes of both the Annual Parish meeting and Parish Council meeting in May 2023. Proposed Councillor Grant. Seconded Councillor Nathan.
    12. To give formal Notice of the Annual Parish Meeting on 15th May 2023 at 7pm at All Saints Parish Hall, Scratby.
    13. Date of next Parish Council meeting is on 15th May immediately following the Annual Parish meeting at All Saints Parish Hall,Scratby.
    At the end of the meeting Councillor Grant (Chair) thanked all councillors in the room for everything and said that it had been ‘a pleasure working with you all’. He added that the last year had been extremely difficult, but there are good things going on and the future looks good. Councillor Grant then wished all councillors in the room ‘the best of luck’.
    Kathryn Wendt – Interim Clerk
    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council
    Dated: 27.04.
  • Annual Meeting Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council

    Annual Meeting Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council
    Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby & California
    To be held on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7pm at All Saints Parish Hall, Beach Road Scratby NR29 3AJ
    1. To approve minutes of the previous annual meeting of 27th May 2022
    2. Chair’s report- Andrew Grant
    3. Borough and County Councillor Reports – Cllr.G.Freeman, Cllr.R.Hanton,
    Norfolk County Cllr.J.Bensly
    4. Annual Committee reports
    4.1 Allotments – Cllr Freeman
    4.2 Open Spaces – Cllr Nathan
    4.3 Burial Ground – Cllr Hill
    4.4 Financial report – Claire Fraser R.F.O.
    5. Other group’s annual reports
    5.1 Bracecamp Hall
    5.2 Village Centre
    5.3 All Saints Parish Hall
    5.4 Bowls Club
    5.5 Ormesby Youth
    5.6 Ormesby St Margaret church report
    5.7 Scratby & California environment group
    5.8 Ormesby Scratby & California Community Events
    5.9 Neighbourhood plan
    5.10 Ormesby Schools
    5.11 Ormesby Events Group
    6. Question and answer session for parishioners
    Andrew Grant (Chair)
    Posted 3rd May 2023
  • Minutes 17 April 2023

    Here are the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 17 April 2023

  • Minutes of the meeting 13 March 2023

    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council               


    Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th March 2023 at 7pm at All Saints Parish Hall, Scratby.


    [email protected]


    The Chair Andy Grant welcomed Councillors and parishioners. A minute silence was held for the late Councillor John Green who died on 14th February 2023.   John’s funeral is at St Margaret’s Church, Ormesby on 17th March 2023 at 2pm.


    In Attendance: Councillors Andy Grant (Chair), Jim Shrimplin, Phil Nathan and Geoff Freeman. Kathryn Wendt (Interim Clerk), RFO Claire Fraser and three members of the public.


    1. Apologies

    Apologies for absence were accepted: Councillors: Justin Rundle (Vice Chair), Sylvia Bigg, Peter Holley, Simone Calnon, Borough Councillor Ron Hanton and Norfolk County Councillor James Bensley who sent his condolences to John Green’s family


    1. Declarations of Interest

    Councillors are invited to declare a previously undisclosed interest relating to items on the agenda: Councillor Geoff Freeman Item 8. Councillor Jim Shrimplin Item 7.


    1. Minutes of the previous Meeting

    To approve the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 13th February 2023: Proposed Councillor Geoff Freeman. Seconded Councillor Andy Grant. Approved unanimously.


    The Chair moved to suspend the council meeting


    1. Public Participation

    4.1 An opportunity for the public to address the council -10 minutes

    Subject to standing Order 3g a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.

    One member of the public said that not all of what he had said at the previous meeting had been recorded. He questioned payment list had been changed. Also commented that the council had over spent on the toilets.


    4.2. To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors -10 minutes

    Reports had been circulated the councillors. Geoff Freeman said that there waws going to be an inspection of the gabions next week. He requested that the gabions be put on April’s Agenda.


    The Chair reconvened the meeting


    1. Financial Matters Payments and Administration

    5.1 Bank accounts current balances: Current Account £3955.79. Savings account £18,855.41.

    5.2 Approval of schedule of income and expenditure for March 2023 Appendix 1

    To include a £50.00 donation to the Salvation Army for the Late John Green.

    5.3 Approve bank transfer from savings account to current account to meet the above. £5586.83.

    Items 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Proposed Councillors Andy Grant. Seconded Phil Nathan. Approved unanimously.

    Claire Fraser RFO reminded Councillors that the cut off date for the Payment List is the first of every month. Claire informed council that two extra payments had been made in February: Allotment Water bill and Solicitor’s bill.

    F & G.P. Report – Noted.

    1. Correspondence:

    During the month there has been numerous emails, a few telephone calls and letters on subjects such as:

    Freedom of Information request, Allotments, Contractors invoices, speeding along Scratby Road and grants – Noted.


    1. Freedom of the Parish Policy.

    7.1 To adopt the Freedom of the Parish policy. Proposed Councillors Andy Grant. Seconded Councillor Geoff Freeman. Approved unanimously.

    7.2 To formally record and recognise the award of the Freedom of the Parish to the late Councillor John Green. Proposed Councillor Andy Grant. Seconded Councillor Phil Nathan. Agreed unanimously.

    7.3 To formally award the Freedom of the Parish to Councillor Jim  Shrimplin. Proposed Councillor Andy Grant. Seconded Councillor Geoff Freeman. Agreed unanimously.


    1. Planning

    6/22/0859/F Retrospective permission for demolition of existing building; erection of detached 2 bedroomed dwelling with cart shed outbuilding and parking area Location: Former Dabs N Crabs site Scratby Road Ormesby St Margaret W Scratby NR29 3PQ –

    No objection.

    06/23/0118/TRETPO no. 4 1977 – T1 Horse Chestnut – removal of ivy growth, crown reduction by 1m, reduction of branches nearest to property by up to 2m

    • Millview Ormesby St Margaret Great Yarmouth NR29 3ND – No objection.


    1. Burial Ground Update: Councillor Robert Hill not in attended. Councillor Andy Grant to request Councillor Robert Hill arranges a burial ground meeting as soon as possible.


    1. Open Spaces

    10.1 King Charles 111’s Coronation. Councillor Phil Nathan had resourced mugs, time capsules and flags to celebrate the coronation. To purchase the items in time the council approved spending of £1500.00 from April’s budget. Proposed Councillor Andy Grant. Seconded Councillor Phil Nathan. Approved unanimously.

    10.2 Booking Form for Open Spaces – Proposed Councillor Phil Nathan. Seconded Councillor Andy Grant. Approved unanimously.


    1. Speedwatch – this will be continuing whilst Councillor Peter Holley is unable to commit at the present time.


    1. Allotment Lease – Moved to May Agenda


    1. Coastwatch/Extra car parking at Scratby Green – Councillor Phil Nathan had a meeting with Coastwatch members and GYBC. Decision to await a full report from the Coastwatch team to identify how they can preserve the car spaces on the Scratby cliff top and also bearing in mind the disabled bays.


    Date of Next meeting: Monday 17th April 2023 at 7pm at Village Centre Ormesby


    The meeting ended at 20:07.



    Kathryn Wendt – Interim Clerk

    [email protected]

    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Counci






  • Agenda 17 April 2023

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