You are invited to tender for the grounds maintenance contract for the Parish please refer to full details below:
    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council provides open spaces within the Parish for use by the public. As such a regular program of maintenance is required to keep them accessible, useable and, above all, safe.
    The Parish Council is requesting tenders for grounds maintenance as detailed in the specification attached for the areas as highlighted on the map. Those tendering must be able to provide adequate detail of insurance to work in public open spaces together with reference works where and if requested.
    Tenders are required to be received by email in PDF format or equivalent and emailed to the Parish Clerk at [email protected] and [email protected] (Phil Nathan Chair Open Spaces) by no later than 5pm on Monday 5th September 2022″
    Specification as below:
    Scope of works required by Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council
    Items 1-10: 16 visits per year over a pre-agreed program relating to growth cycle . Please indicate the start and end date to present the following areas of the Parish. All waste where applicable to be carted away. Contractor to provide all necessary Health & Safety requirements where working in public areas. Contractor responsible for all pre-surveys of work areas to remove any items that would interfere or damage machinery. The council accepts no liability for damage to contractor’s machinery in light of the contractor’s pre-inspection. Any damage to Council property to be the liability of the contractor and reinstatement to be made by the contractor to the original condition where an incident occurs.
    1. Ormesby Green: Cut strim and tidy 3 visits to include trim water shoots to trees.
    2. Ormesby Memorial Green : Cut strim and tidy: three visits to include trim water shoots to trees. Weed spray to gravel area as required.
    3. Ormesby Playing Field: Cut and tidy 2 visits to include weed killer spraying to perimeter of children’s play area and the Pavilion Building
    4. Ormesby Playingfield hedges: incorporate into 3 above with 3 hedge cuts to top back and front of hedge running along length of Station Road/Car Park
    5. Scratby Green with Day Huts: Cut strim and tidy incorporate into 2 visits to weed killer spray of toilet pavement boundaries and steps.
    6. Scratby Green Ramp and Hedges: incorporate into 3 visits of 5 above strim of ramp to beach and associated hedges.
    7. Scratby Beach Road entrance: Cut strim and tidy.
    8. California Ramp: provide 3 visits to strim ramp and cut hedges to ramp to beach.
    9. California Road: Cut 2 meter wide apron from kerb edge inwards to the south side of road.
    10.Strim from Apron as 9 above up to junction with unmade lane including all side to Pill box.
    11. Provide for 2 cut backs of the drainage Pit in Ormesby in March and October (outside of nesting season)



    Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council

    Notice is hereby given that a vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the parish of Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council (Scratby Ward)

    If you are passionate about the area in which you live and would like to help make a difference to the community, please consider applying.

    Parish Clerk

    The Village Centre

    Station Road Ormesby St Margaret

    NR29 3PU

    Or email [email protected]




    Just to inform you that considerable damage occurred to the sea defences at Scratby late last week and over the weekend, that damage has been reported to GYBC.
    Reply from GYBS following our report of the damage to the gabions received today.
    Reply from GYBS following our report of the damage to the gabions received today.
    Thank you for your email it is always helpful to receive reports, our new Senior Coastal Advisor visited the area on Friday and identified a failure to the gabions at the western end. Our engineers have been informed and are inspecting and will take appropriate action.

    The defibrillator at Premier Stores Scratby went live today and is now available 24 hours a day to the Parish. A big thank you the trustees of All Saints Parish Hall who donated their defibrillator making this possible.


    The following defibrillators have now gone live on the circuit website and are available 24 hours a day.
    The Village Center Station Road Ormesby
    The Edgar Tennant Recreation Ground Station Road Ormesby
    Green Farm Caravan Park Beach Road Scratby
    Toilets Rottenstone Lane Scratby
  • Bollards Green Ormesby

    Bollards to green Ormesby have now been painted and refurbished.

  • Firs Avenue Hole

    Just a big thank you to Essex and Suffolk water following completion of works at Firs Avenue Ormesby.





    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Ormesby st Margaret with Scratby (Ormesby Ward).


    An election to fill the said vacancy will be held within sixty days (computed in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1972) of the date of this Notice, if by the 8th April 2022 a request for such an election is made in writing to the Returning Officer by TEN electors for the said Parish.  In the event of no such request being received within the requisite period, the Council of the Parish of Ormesby st Margaret with Scratby will fill the vacancy on that Council by co-option.



    Notices and requests by electors in connection with this vacancy should be delivered to Sheila Oxtoby, Returning Officer, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF.




    Clerk to the Ormesby st Margaret with Scratby Parish Council





    Dated this 21st day of March, 2022




    Published by the Returning Officer

    Printed by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF.


    The Council currently has a vacancy for which they are able to co-opt an individual to the role of Parish Councillor.
    If you are passionate about where you live and wish to make a difference in your community then consider applying.
    Any person interested in becoming a councillor and wishing to be considered should submit a CV together with a letter of application stating what you could bring to the role of Parish Councillor to the Parish Clerk at the Village Center Station Road Ormesby St Margaret NR29 3PU
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